Courtier Immobilier Montréal Yanick E Sarrazin

OACIQ and APCIQ: What’s the Difference Between these Two Key Real Estate Organizations?

OACIQ and APCIQ: What’s the Difference Between these Two Key Real Estate Organizations?


An association representing the real estate brokerage profession

Although they both work in the real estate market, the APCIQ and the OACIQ are two very distinct organizations, with complementary roles and missions that make a significant contribution to the regulation of the real estate sector. To help you distinguish between them, our real estate brokers present these two little-known associations, which are essential to the smooth operation of the Quebec real estate market.

The Association professionnelle des courtiers immobiliers du Québec (APCIQ) is a non-profit organization that brings together over 15,000 real estate brokers, representing nearly 92% of professionals in Québec. Its primary mission is to support, train, inform and defend its members. Moreover, the APCIQ provides its members with a range of tools and resources aimed at collecting and analyzing relevant information on the real estate sector.

Supervision and development of the real estate brokerage profession

Representing the majority of real estate brokers in Quebec, its members benefit from a wide range of services, including continuing education, market analysis, legal support, and marketing and public relations tools. It also plays a role in promoting and structuring the profession, by implementing initiatives to enhance its image. 

Created by the merger of three real estate boards

Experienced real estate brokers in Montreal remember the APCIQ by its former name, the Greater Montreal Real Estate Board (GMREB). Indeed, the APCIQ, founded in 2019, is the result of the merger of three regional boards: the CIGM, the Chambre immobilière de Québec (CIQ) and the Chambre immobilière des Laurentides (CIL). The aim of this association was to unite real estate brokers under a single provincial associative model. In order to centralize the promotion and protection of the profession.  As mentioned by co-founder Christiane St-Jean, the APCIQ is now in a position to speak with a single voice to better address the various issues facing this function, so that the discourse remains coherent, unique and credible in the eyes of all.

In short, the APCIQ is the body that oversees and supports the professional development of real estate brokers, while actively representing their interests within the real estate sector, in order to guarantee standards-compliant practice and ensure the defense of their rights in a constantly evolving market. In an economy where real estate transactions are becoming increasingly complex, it is crucial that brokers, who accompany their customers throughout the process, can feel protected by a competent entity that understands the challenges of the Quebec real estate market.


An organization dedicated to consumer protection

The Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ) plays a crucial role in protecting the public in real estate transactions. As an independent authority, the OACIQ is responsible for regulating and supervising the real estate brokerage profession in Quebec. It scrupulously ensures that real estate brokers comply not only with the laws and regulations in force, but also with the ethical standards established to ensure transparent, ethical and rigorous professional practice. In so doing, the OACIQ guarantees the safety and protection of individuals, whether buyers, sellers or tenants, by ensuring that their interests are always taken into account and defended in every real estate transaction.

Services for the general public

The organization offers a variety of tools, as well as a public assistance service available to both buyers and sellers. On their website, several means of communication are available to reach them. Finally, the OACIQ also requires real estate brokers to contribute to the Fonds d’indemnisation du courtage immobilier and to professional liability insurance, two measures designed to protect consumers.

In short, the APCIQ focuses on representing and supporting real estate brokers in the exercise of their profession, while the OACIQ’s mission is to protect the interests of the public and ensure that brokers’ practices comply with legal standards. Finally, the OACIQ and the APCIQ are two complementary organizations, each with a distinct but essential role to play in the smooth operation of the real estate sector in Quebec.

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